Despite growing up in a household with 2 rambunctious brothers, little Sophie has always been a considerate calm sweetheart. Being the youngest in her family, she has always shown a surprising level of empathy, and would constantly share her snacks and goodies with her peers and loved ones. Inspired by the goodness in her heart, the brains behind INFIN8BRANDS have developed a charming brand named Sophie’s Shoppe, focusing on trading products that Sophie herself would love.
Whether its baked goods, snack items or anything else, Sophie would always go out of her way to spread the love and make sure everyone gets to enjoy the tasty treats that she does. Admiring her character and personality, we’ve decided to implement this into our business by donating 2% of our monthly proceeds to an alternating charity. When you purchase one of our products, you’re not only enjoying a quality product, you’re also spreading goodness and giving back.
Our Products are 100% Halal Certified